Coolest. McDonald's. Ever.

Leo Burnett Agency/Prop Art Studio, MMT

This Chicago McDonald's has a giant egg billboard that cracks open to indicate they're serving breakfast (the yolk inside says "fresh eggs daily") then closes up again at lunch. How cool is that?

Via Arab Aquarius.


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Cool, in a gimmicky kind of way. Now if only they would take some of those marketing dollars and buy food that tastes good, I bet they could really up their sales.

Actually, I enjoy eating at McDonald's once or twice a year. It doesn't taste anything like real food, but it's comforting and nostalgic. I had chicken McNuggets a few weeks ago for the first time in at least ten years. That was a true guilty pleasure. But ever since they stopped using beef fat for the fries, they just aren't the same.

"This is your McDonald's on Drugs. Any Questions?"

By Joe Shelby (not verified) on 15 Jul 2008 #permalink

Michael - then this will finally prove that it was the egg which came first, right?!