Furry Interspecies Romance - Orangina-style

This is one of the most bizarre commercials I've ever seen (and yes, I'm including the Bill Gates/Jerry Seinfeld spot in that sample). It's a French ad for Orangina, which I discovered via Stephanie at almostdiamonds. It appears to be an innuendo-drenched Technicolor musical extravaganza set in a baroque painting peopled by anthropomorphized woodland creatures. There's even a cephalopod bartender reminiscent of Carmen Miranda! And a lot of exotic dancing.

What does any of this have to do with my favorite carbonated orange beverage? According to the Independent, "The adverts were said to be based around the idea of "pulpeuse", which in French means both "containing pulp" and also "voluptuous" or "sexy". " Predictably, family values groups are up in arms. Those naughty French!

Watch, marvel, try to keep your mouth from dropping open, and discuss:

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I don't mind said manipulation so much when it is funny and creative. This is one of my favorite commercials ever.

and the 'Family Values' types can all go drink Florida orange juice.