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Mark Mawson's Aqueous series consists of amazing fluid artworks created by dropping paint into water. I wasn't going to blog about them, because everyone else is already, but I found it remarkable how similar they are to jellyfish - not the one above necessarily, but some of the others. Go to his…
Le Boson de Higgs, 2008 Korner Union Gaussian Goat , 2008 Harm van den Dorpel Both artworks via today and tomorrow
It will be on October 9-11, 2007 in Indianapolis: The Open Minds Conference is the first national K-12 gathering for teachers, technicians and educational leaders to share and explore the benefits of open source in education. Virtual Learning Environments that provide 24X7 access to teaching and…
Today is Easter Sunday, which I will be celebrating in the traditional manner: by, um, driving across half of New York and Pennsylvania... OK, maybe that's not the usual tradition... I'm giving a talk tomorrow at Bucknell, so I need to get to Lewisburg, PA tonight. This will allow me to stop…

Looks like something by Jan Svankmajer. (hint: look him up online. Try "Tma/Svetlo/Tma".)

I think it is amazing now how people can define themselves as wearing various hats without feeling that it limits one career or another!

Great video and I hope you do well in your Biology and Art careers!