Words I learned in 2008

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I only know 4 of those-- time to educate myself, I guess!

Have you seen Wordie ? The site motto is, "Like Flickr, but without the photos." It sort of a social network for making and sharing word lists.

There used to be a Southern-regional cigarette brand called Picayune. One of the few (only?) American cigarettes made with the powerfully strong-smelling caporal tobacco. Sort of an American Gauloise cigarette for Southerners. My uncle used to smoke Picayunes, even after the brand became quite rare.

There's also a Picayune, Mississippi, and the quite well-known Times-Picayune daily newspaper in New Orleans.

Heteroskedasticity OUGHT to mean "a tendency to skedaddle for a variety of reasons."

Indeed, Emory - I'd heard of the Times-Picayune and always thought "Picayune" was a proper noun! This year I learned it's also an adjective.

Lo5an, love the website recc!

Can't believe you haven't learned more words -- sure you haven't left lots of words out. I learn a new word almost every day!
Happy New Year!

Thomas - these are just those words I learned which are not proper nouns, not mere technical jargon, and that I could remember long enough to record in a post when I got back to the laptop. ;) I'm sure there are many more that slipped my mind before I could write them down. But I still think it's fun to keep track of as many as I can each year.