Like today's Google Doodle?


It commemorates Hans Christian Ãrsted, who discovered the relationship between electricity and magenetism. Re-enact Ãrsted's experiment here.

But what about that other Hans Christian, Hans Christian Andersen? Here's what the Guardian had to say: "while there's nothing wrong with fairy stories, they haven't contributed much to the development of electric motors."

Ouch! :)

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It looks like a homage to bombings. How/where do you find out what the google doodles reference?

Honestly, the first thought I had was "why did Google turn their logo into a pipe bomb?" I think maybe they should have market tested this one first.

"while there's nothing wrong with fairy stories, they haven't contributed much to the development of electric motors."

I SO want to stick 'discuss' on the end of that and use it as an essay question. XD

Actually I want to write an essay answer to that... I'm definately tempted.