"Bringing Style to Science, One Outfit at a Time"

A quick plug for Fashion For Nerds, a fun blog by a San Francisco biologist with an eye for mixing thrift store finds. See? Living in the lab doesn't mean you can't have style.

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Timothy Sandefur has a brief description up of his overnight trip to San Fran, one of my favorite cities. He says: San Francisco is a kind of heaven. Not the boring sort of cotton-wadded hell that they told you about in Sunday school, but a vibrant, living place with lights and style. It is the…
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Given that I've weighed in on "nerd culture" and some of the social pressures that influence women's relationships to this culture, I had to pass this on: The New York Daily News ran an article extolling the advantages of nerds as lovers. It's pretty much the dreck you'd expect. Of course, the…

Most of those posts are more "Hipster boyfriend" than "Nerd boyfriend," but I scrolled down far enough and had to admit, it's a clever blog. Thanks for the link!

Smacks head! I totally forgot to say that it was you, Sci, who told me about this wonderful blog! D'oh. That's what I get for writing posts on Mondays.