Introducing co-bloggers!

I am bursting with pride to introduce Sarah Shreeves and Elizabeth Brown as co-bloggers here on Book of Trogool!

(You'll have to excuse me if I go over my exclamation-point quota. I'm just so excited about this!)

I will let them tell you about themselves; I'll just say that Sarah works for the University of Illinois, and Elizabeth works for Binghamton University, and they're both fabulous librarians I'm very proud to know.

Please expect some dust over the next few days or weeks as I fiddle with the templates to make them co-blogger-friendly and ensure that it's clear who's written what. And please welcome Sarah and Elizabeth in the comments!

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Welcome to you both!

By Maura Smale (not verified) on 25 Jun 2010 #permalink

Hey Sarah!!! Hi! and hi to Elizabeth too, even though I don't know her yet...

By barbara (kitten) (not verified) on 29 Jun 2010 #permalink