Poll: Do You Agree With Gay Marriage Bans?

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Would have been happy with a 57% No yesterday.

What's behind the ban is cruelty, and nothing more. The backers want to stick it to people who will never be able to stick it to them. You've no doubt heard Samuel L Jackson's narrated ad. Armenians, blacks, and Japanese got it stuck to them because they could never strike back.

How would illegal immigrants ever get back at their oppressors? How would gays ever get even?

All of these tie together as the same damn thing, simple mean-spirited cruel bullies striking out at those who cannot retaliate.

The map of yes/no responses by state is enigmatic at first, but I have a hypothesis to explain it.

There are the following answers:

1) Yes, I agree with gay marriage bans.

2) No, I don't agree with gay marriage bans.

3) I'm too dumb to understand the double negative so I see "Gay Marriage" and I vote "No."


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hit me with your rhythm stick.

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