Man on the Street Votes for 90% More News Anchor Beheadings

Ok, maybe not. But just in case you were wondering why Americans watch the news constantly and know nothing, here's a pretty good example. Coming up next - how to write a completely generic blog post, by yours truly ;-).


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By Ed Bryant (not verified) on 05 Feb 2010 #permalink

Man, I haven't watched the news in AGES (people tell you when something that's actually important happens) and even I was laughing at how accurate that is!

We are being swallowed up by the generic meta.

I'm going to steal this in a few days.

As a counter - while also demonstrating the redeeming qualities of the media - here is one of the great spiritual anthems of our times, manifesting a spirit we need now more than ever.

Go right ahead - I stole it from Rod Dreher ;-).



Immediately after writing that note, I was inspired to google- the whole short story is up on the web- and I'd totally forgotten the last few lines. Wonderful!

Brilliant and scary at the same time! We don't watch the news but my kids were laughing at this one.

It's in the business of selling (or at least renting) your eyeballs.