Looking for a Job? ASPO-USA Needs an Executive Director

I'm really excited about the ways that ASPO-USA is evolving. ASPO's role has been to raise awareness about Peak Oil, and it is serving to expose the issue in new ways. I joined the board of an organization that I'd once criticized publically for being elitist and dominated by old white guys because those same gentlemen challenged me to help fix the situation - and we are. Peak oil is emerging as the site of alliances that simply can't be achieved in climate change or on the economy - but because the peak oil community is diverse and crosses ideological lines so powerfully, those intersections are powerful. It becomes possible to begin work on the repair of the world from a place where left and right, alternative and mainstream, national and international meet and intersect. And ASPO's commitment to speak out in a way that draws in new audiences and speaks to everyone is emerging as a way to bring the message to the mainstream. That's why I'm part of it. I think a lot of amazing things will be emerging in a couple of weeks at the annual conference, and there's more to come. I'll be speaking there, as will a really broad range of people from every end from the technical to the community. Among folks my readers may want to hear there's John Michael Greer, Nicole Foss (Stoneleigh), Jeff Rubin, Lawrence Schlessinger, Bob Hirsch, Michael Klare, Rear Admiral Lawrence Rice and Bianca Jagger!

As part of its central project, ASPO needs a permanent Executive Director, someone to drive the organization forward as it works to make people understand exactly what their future looks like - both at the technical and scientific end, and in day-to-day lives. I'm hoping that out there among my readership is the perfect person! Check it out and pass it along to anyone you know!

ASPO-USA (the Association for the Study of Peak Oil & Gas) is seeking an Executive Director, to be based in Washington, D.C. This position provides a terrific opportunity for a highly skilled and motivated person to help advance understanding of issues related to peak oil and gas. ASPO-USA's executive director will lead the organization's efforts to encourage prudent energy management, equitable community transformation, and cooperative initiatives in an era of depleting petroleum resources. Founded in 2005, ASPO-USA's methods include a comprehensive program of public education, a positive endorsement of practical solutions, and an honest attempt to encourage competing parties to cooperate for their mutual benefit. The Executive Director reports to the ASPO-USA Board of Directors and has overall responsibility for the strategic, programmatic, and management functions of the organization. In addition, the Executive Director serves as a key ambassador for ASPO-USA to the broader community. This includes driving ASPO's fundraising, networking and public relations. The Executive Director will be expected to build on ASPO's strong foundation, helping to consolidate its gains and increase its impact. Please see the ASPO-USA website for more information about the organization and a copy of the full job description. www.aspo-usa.org. Interested candidates should send a cover letter and resume to Kim Comart, Comart & Associates, at kcomart@comcast.net. They can also call Kim at (877) 363-2776 ext.4.

Salary:$75,000+, d.o.e.



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