Things Forthcoming!

I'm doing a bunch of stuff right now (I'm always doing a bunch of stuff, actually) that I thought I'd mention here.

First, on Monday March 21, at 5:30 I'll be at the first Unitarian Universalist Society in Albany talking to Congressman Paul Tonko about peak oil, climate change and regional preparedness in an event put on by Capital District Transition. It ought to be interesting! Drop me an email if you have suggestions for questions you'd like me to put to Congressman Tonko.

Second, on April 9 at 7pm, I'll be at the Sanctuary for Independent Media in Troy, NY, talking about food, energy and our future. This is part of an all-day event, a reskilling festival with a lot of cool stuff happening - I'll be there on Saturday afternoon learning as well,.so definitely come by!

Also, less locally, Aaron and I will be running our Adapting in Place Class, online for six weeks beginning April 5. The class covers every element of adapting your life both for things to come and things that are now, from going inside the walls of your home or apartment to community, family and security issues, from the ordinary (laundry) to the extraordinary (handling life transitions). This is our most fascinating and intense class, and for the very first time, Aaron and I are planning on offering a sequel, for people who have taken the AIP class and who would get something out of an advanced class to build on what you want to add. Not exactly sure when that will be, but there's every chance that this will be the last Adapting in Place class before the advanced one - so if you've always wanted to take it, now's the time. Cost of the class is $175, and I do have five scholarship spots for low income participants available. We also happily take donations of any size to make more free spots available to those who need them - 100% of your donation goes to other participants. Email me at with questions or to enroll!

Finally, Memorial Day Weekend (May 27-29) our family will be having a family-friendly apprentice weekend. That means bring your kids (mine will be roaming around) and come to our place - learn scything, herbalism, goat milking and animal care, and a whole list of other skills. We have room for several additional families, and you can either stay with us, stay locally at one of several bed and breakfasts, or camp on the property or at the nearby state park. Meals are potluck and collective, payment is by donation, the weekend will be lots of fun! Email to join us!

Wow, that's enough, right? Oh, one other thing - I get a lot of speaking invitations that I have to turn down for various reasons. This year, because we are expecting to add children to our family through adoption/fostering this summer, I'm not accepting anything from July 1 to at least September 1, and maybe longer. So if you were thinking of inviting me to come speak, either get me before the end of June, or let's think late fall! I have a feeling I'm going to have my hands full in the interim!



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