The responsibility of an officer

Earlier this year I was at a military ceremony.
The keynote speaker was an active duty flag officer, in logistics.
Good speech, humorous anecdote, solemn moment, look to the future...
and in the middle he snuck in a somewhat discordant meaty section.

He discussed the distinction between the responsibility of enlisted men to obey the orders of their commanding officers, and that of commissioned officers to understand and interpret the orders they receive and pass down the chain of command.
He discussed, at some length, the importance of the individual officer understanding the lawfulness of orders, and their responsibility to their enlisted and junior officers. He also discussed at some length the issue of personal responsibility and understanding the context and consequences of actions when you're in the armed forces chain of command. He really hammered on the issue of taking responsibility for your decisions, in contrast with some who do not. No names of course.

It was a very thoughtful, disturbing speech. And very surprising.
Jim McDonald at Making Light made me remember it this weekend - what can I say, I'm in the Bay Area. Ambiance gets to you.

I always wondered what the officer had seen in his orders for equipment and supplies that he would pick such a theme. I also wondered how many in the audience picked up on it.


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