70 East Slope - USTA Bars

good old days...

If you were in this picture, or know the people who were, then e-mail me...


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Saw yor USTA Bar photo - I was a licensee from 1987-88 (exchange student from UNC-CH). I believe I recognize the burly gentleman in the back (3rd from right) whose name is Ross. Can't remember surname, and I'm sure I knew some others in there.

It saddens me that the University took over the bars, and the USTA seems to no longer exist.

Good times, indeed.

By John D. Rogers (not verified) on 20 Dec 2006 #permalink

Hey, I was back for Carnival summer of '88. If you stuck around for then, it is a mathematical certainty we shared a beer or two.
Big guy is indeed Ross Gary - became an actor, seen in several medium sized roles on british television.
Others you might know from the picture are Malcolm, Sgh, Sarah M. Most of the rest would have graduated by '88.