So many things to do, if I only knew how to get there!

This Tuesday at 7pm, you can come with me and learn everything you want to know about sea urchins at the Ask a Scientist event.

Then, next Friday or two, altough it is in the middle of the workday, I'd still like to go and see the Iron Science Teacher. Jennifer siad that it was great last Friday.

The PEZ museum is supposedly just a small room full of every single PEZ dispenser ever made, but it may be interesting to see if it is not too out of the way. And I'd love to see the Festival of Fire. Who wants to go with me?

I'd like to go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and Research Institute, the Natural History Museum and the San Francisco Zoo.

I am too far from Giant Sequoias, but Redwoods are almost as big and I'd like to see them if time permits.

And of course, I'd like to meet more local bloggers, in smaller or larger groups, or one-on-one, for meals, meetups, at sciency places in town, or out in the wilderness. Perhaps at Drinking Liberally?

Just e-mail me...


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Oh, and BTW, if you have a lab at one of the area schools, I'd love to see it!

I've been meaning to go down to SF to check out the Iron Science Teacher as well...sounds like a great deal of fun!

If you can get over to the Oakland Zoo, you can see Kaika the bear in one of the nicest zoo sun bear habitats around.

Unfortunately, you won't be able to see Spike, who passed away a year or so ago--he was a sweet old bear! And the two got along great with each other. Spike and Kaika are (were) mainland bears, a different subspecies from the Borneans in the Species Survival Program.

But go see Kaika! She's a beauty, and she lives in a habitat that I wish all the other sun bears could have.