Such talent should not be wasted

So, today is election day, in the USA. In case you hadn't noticed.

Unusually enough, polls predict some actual incumbents may be voted out, which I must say is rather unusual, if not outright undemocratic.

Question is: if this comes true, what should The Nation do with such Talent?

For example: Mr Blackwell, Secretary of State in Ohio may be unemployed.
One might think such an experienced administrator would be best placed on the Federal Election Commission, but there is also a vacancy for an ambassador to Iraq...
Maybe Ms Harris of Florida would be available for the FEC?

You might argue that George Allen of Virginia is better suited to the ambassadorship, but there are whispers that a new Secretary of Defence might be urgently needed. Or, with a view to the future of the Republican Party, Mr Cheney might step down and Allen could step up!
Of course Ms Harris might still be available.

Apparently Joe Lieberman has to win to get the Secretary of Defence position, but he might find a better fit as chair of the RNC (I presume Mehlman will do the honourable thing if the dems really do win big).

Finally, there is the question of our own Rick Santorum.
I'm tempted to say he should step up to take on the Office of Faith Based Initiatives, which could be expanded to cover the State Department if needed; but, there have been persistent rumours of trouble at the CDC, and where better for Rick than to head a critical federal agency!

This leaves FEMA. Well, there is always the aforementioned redoubtable Ms Harris, or if the White House wants to go to the bench, Ms Schmidt of Ohio might just possibly be available.

Don't forget to vote.


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By Brad Holden (not verified) on 09 Nov 2006 #permalink