All Star

Raja has discovered so many stars in Andromeda's halo, extending so far (half million light years, dood) that they had to give him an entire session.


Yes, every talk in session 177 on tuesday has Raja Guhathakutra from UCSC as a co-author.


To be fair, Vicky Kalogera acheived the same in session 155 - but that was a poster session with only four slots compared to eight in the oral session. Not bad.

And Engelbracht is co-author on 14 of the posters in session 160, but sadly the organisers snuck in an interloper, 160.04 is on silicates in AGB stars in LMC, no Engelbracht.
Cruel - that'd have outdone Raja and Vicky combined!


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I mean if this halo of giant stars was overlooked for so long,
what else is overlooked?