ADS functionality

The Astrophysical Data System, sponsored by NASA, is hideously useful.

It is, essentially, a searchable database of all the astronomical literature, of all time, with links to current and past papers (some current papers are behind subscription walls for fixed or indefinite periods), and to the arXiv preprint archives, and to a lot of the online astronomical databases and catalogs, like searchable sky catalogs and object databases, at all wavelengths at that. Some articles are searchable, either in the abstract, or full text searching.
Everything imaginable, almost, is cross-linked and sortable.

It also auto generates citation statistics, reference trees, and bibTeX format reference entries and lists.

So... not wanting to be an ingrate or anything, there is one teeny additional functionality that would be ever so useful: which is to generate a list of all distinct co-authors (and current affiliation from astroperson.list) of specified author... in a plain text or database format suitable for pasting into NSF structure 2 page CVs (ie tiny font).

Clearly this is trivial, and probably doable as a widget or as an inline function in ADS.
A true ADS wizard may even know of this as an already implemented functionality, since it is kinda obvious.



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That would be useful. You could almost write a script to do that - generate a request for all refereed articles using the exact author search page, then parse the return and iteratively run through the returned links.

But ADS's exact author searching still leaves much to be desired - I still can't get a complete and accurate list of my publications using it. And for those astronomers who share both first and last names with other astronomers an automated approach won't work unless you pre-compile by hand the list of publications to parse.

But don't let that stop you. I promise to beta test it for you if you ever write something to do it. ;)

By Dave Strickland (not verified) on 17 Jan 2007 #permalink