
It is strange but true: when writing position papers for federal agencies, listening to a lot of old Icelandic punk is immensely useful for concentrating the mind...

Anyway, 06.06.06. is clearly the best album of 2006, by far.
Bubbi, if you must ask - think "the Iggy Pop of Iceland".

Memo to self: next time I do this in a room full of people, make sure external speakers are turned off!


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For me, its actually J-poppy anime soundtrack music. I think its because I listened to my (rather large) collection whenever I worked on something in college. Now when I listen to it, it's actually harder to procrastinate on whatever I'm supposed to be working on. Real useful effect! Although, it does mean I've stopped listening to it in all other circumstances so that it doesn't get diluted.

By CaptainBooshi (not verified) on 20 Jan 2007 #permalink