all at sea

the US navy right now has two expeditionary strike groups and two carrier strike groups in the Arabian Sea.

PS: Armada vs Iran - curious set of stories in the Telegraph.
Something is being telegraphed.

that is a lot of ships... and there is another carrier group and elements of two more expeditionary groups in the western pacific, by the looks of it

but, that is not all: China is sending a couple of frigates to the Arabian Sea to exercse with Pakistan; exercise will include US, UK, France, Turkey and Bangladesh ships!

but, that is not all: the Indian navy has concentrated in the Arabian Sea - for all of February its east and west fleets are holding exercises. Including its one carrier.

Including live firings.

Just to keep everyone straight, the commander of the 5th fleet has made it clear they will retaliate against Iran if they impede innocent passage.

Want to be careful with all those ships there...


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