the best student complaint ever


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In six words. Like this: "Observe extragalactic Cepheids pulsate. Measure H0." h/t David Brin with a special thanks to PZ. No, not that PZ, the real PZ.
That Dunford fella has already gone to see the Lucy exhibit in Houston … and he's bragging about it on the interwebs. This makes me soooo jealous. Oh well, he is paying the price. He may have gotten to see Lucy on opening day, but in exchange he has to live in Texas.
Varmus and Lander co-chair Presidential Council of Advisers on Science and Technology. h/t ScienceDebate2008 primary source here - good speech. Harold Varmus and Eric Lander both biology/medicine oriented. I said The Big O would need some biologists onboard in some authoritative positions. And so…
Brilliant! h/t h/t Tokyo Progressive

Very odd. He mentions several times how religious he is, I don't know what this has to do with his poor grade in the class since he doesn't get much into specifics. Also, he mentions that he has begged for higher grades in several other classes.


By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 23 Mar 2007 #permalink