now they just have to figure a way to monetize it...

I think I finally figured what is going on with Iran and the hostages and the nuclear fuel and the aircraft carriers...

it is a very elaborate google bomb.

You wouldn't believe the number of hits Ahmadinejad has been getting (he needs to break the technorati top 1000 to really be in money I think, still a bit of a niche market - needs a bit of controversy to get over that last threshold)

Oh, and don't believe "Operation Bite"

I mean please! That just sucks. No, it bites.

The Pentagon can do way better than that, personally I'm holding out for "Operation Rising Sun"
Much more upbeat, kinda catchy. Not so truculent.


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I'm an opposed-to-the-gulf-war-think-western-policy-in-the
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By Peter McGrath (not verified) on 03 Apr 2007 #permalink

Well, someone was probably hoping for that visceral reaction from a lot of people.
And, however satisfying it is at a base level to have blow-em-up revenge fantasies, the actual process of very quiet and determined diplomacy seems to have been played very well by the foreign office.
They have some good people at the FO.

A really interesting question is whether the release of an Iranian in Iraq was the quid pro quo. Unlikely to have been a coincidence. We may never know.