NASA: we hear that...

The Astrophysics division at the Science Mission Directorate has been renamed and has a new director.

It is now Universe.
They haven't updated their organization chart yet, but I hear Jon Morse is the new director.

I also hear there is someone new being brought in to take over R&A.

Should be interesting. Don't know if ROSES '07 can be amended, but things should be very different next year.

Now all we need is some money; and no micromanagement from the political levels; and some consistency in directives from the White House.


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Maybe a lost HTML tag?

Now all we need is some money; and no micromanagement from the political levels; and some consistency in directives from the White House.

And a pony (with apologies to Chad).

A pony would be nice (he stole that from Atrios who stole it from someone else...)

So would shoes for all the children. And food. And no more war.

But I'll settle for one of the above... for now.

That web page needs some proof reading as well. Herschel and Planck are due to be launched on the same Ariane 5. However, according to that page, Herschel will be launched 8/3/08 and Planck 7/31/08. That's going to have to be one big Ariane 5!

[The latter date is more correct.]