pet food gone bad

The toxic pet food problem is not going away

There have been more recalls, possibly with new contaminants.
Also appears rice gluten as well as wheat gluten was affected.

There is also buzz that the FDA is concerned the poisoning was deliberate.

It is also clear that some of the contaminated feed stock was fed to animals that were then slaughtered for human consumption.
Also, apparently, at least one batch of gluten went to a factory that makes processed food for human consumption as well as pet food.

no quarter has some

as does itchmo - they have a story on corn gluten - oh crap. We just switched f. Thor to corn gluten food. also has info


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There is also some buzz that some of the product that was turned back for pet food got through and ended up in hog feed. There is a production farm here in CA that has had it's herd quarantined b/c they discovered melamine in urine samples taken from the herd. Which begs the question "Why are they testing hogs destined for the human market for melamine if this was something that only effected Menu Foods"??

This has smelled fishy since the start, and not b/c it first surfaced associated with cat food!

By Chromosome Crawl (not verified) on 20 Apr 2007 #permalink

I *think* that the food I'm feeding my cats is OK -- it's IAMS dry food, comes in the big bag.

Nothing IAMS is on the "not recalled" list I found, but on the list of recalled things, it's only the pouches and wet food that has been recalled.

What a nightmare.

The whole food chain thing is a little scary. The food our pets, and we, eat goes through so many mysterious shipping connections. Processed food produced in a plant in China? Sheesh.

Makes you want to become an organic grown-your-own-food live-on-a-communie hippie.


We use this food:

Life's Abundance at

They give free samples.

Their food is all from US sources, whole (no glutens) and they've confirmed they're not impacted by the recall.

By martinmuse (not verified) on 22 Apr 2007 #permalink

We have pet food that was on the recall list but it has the wrong numbers. Does anybody think that i should feed it to my dog or get a different brand?

By Hillary Grim (not verified) on 24 May 2007 #permalink

I would not be willing to say affirmatively that the food is safe to eat.
The recall was on stuff made from a known contaminated batch with shockingly high levels of melamine/cyuranic acid.
It is known that other batches were contamined over a longer period, but not where they went - the company the sent that batch over seems to specalise in buying up small lots and relabeling them for export.