I claim mine

Four Dee
If you read any more I will sue.

4D 42 0B 61 97 8F B5 07 D4 66 EE 63 73 AA B0 85

That number is mine.
Freedom to Tinker generated it, and deeded it to me

It is my very own, tip-top super secret decryption code to a very valuable and copyrighted text.

You may not know it, read it, copy it, display it or memorize it.
Not like this, or this
or this
3 * 11 * 607921 * 38711767
Not as an image, or a poem, or through any algorithm that may generate it.
That is a lot. 'Specially since there are a lot of algorithms to generate it...

I own its prime factors, all its multiples, its inverse and its square.
You may not add one or subtract one, or two, or three or four or more

Er, unless you already own those numbers too.

It is mine, now and forever future and past.


h/t Mark


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You may not know it, read it, copy it, display it or memorize it.

It's showing up on my monitor right now. Does that mean that I displayed it, or that you displayed it? Should I be charging you rent/advertising costs for displaying it on my monitor?

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 10 May 2007 #permalink

Hm that's a problem.
Tell you what, since it is you, I'll give you permission to look at it for your own personal research and educational use.
Seems only fair.
But you can't resell it to anyone, or charge rent, at least not without a separate agreement with me to share the profits or something, I'm sure we could work something out.
No derivative works either, please.
Not that I myself actually came up with me, those other guys did, but they gave it to me and I have to protect my interest.