NASA veto threat

President threatens veto of NASA appropriations: too much science
dontcha know...

From NASAwatch:

the House appropriations bill on NASA included extra funding for Science and Aeronautics, and restrictions on spending on Exploration and, more importantly, Exploration Development, including new firewalls between Science and ED.

"...the Administration does not endorse funding in excess of the request for Aeronautics, Education, and Science, where increases for near-term support would create unsustainable outyear funding requirements"

NASA is not just "burning every spare piece of firewood", they are burning the furniture and books.


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I suspect that Vice President Voldemort is behind this.

Ever since VP LBJ used NASA, hiding behind JFK as cover for the Reindustrialization of the South, the VP is nominally in charge of NASA.

Remember VP Quayle's famous TV moment of saying that Mars has canals, canals have water, water has oxygen. His speech writer (Stewart Nozette) quit over that.

Yeah, I've been worried ever since Voldemort took over the Ministry of Magic, ummm, I mean the White House, and every Federal Agency he could stuff with Death Eaters, I mean political appointees.

Yeah, from what I've heard the OVP has some closet "space cadets" in it, who have linked up with some other fans injected into other executive agencies, and they have a high level overseer in NASA to keep an eye on policy.

From what I can gather it is mostly the Heinleinesque "California Libertarian" faction, with a dose of Texan "big iron aerospace" piglets mixed in.

Revitalizing the manned space program could even be done, if they funded it and didn't try to do a half-assed on-the-cheap job of it.