losing the battle

didn't check my e-mail for 24 hours, weekend, very light on "real e-mail"
so I got good statistics on the spam
we're losing

I have four levels of spam filtering: the university does virus and porn trapping, the department has an adaptive filter, my mailbox has a filter, and my local mailer has an adaptive filter;
for a while I had negligible spam getting through and would check the main mailbox spambox to see if any real mail had accidentally fallen in - could quickly flick through a few hundred collected spam mails looking for the real things

now, a lot of my mailing list stuff is piped directly into mail subdirectories for archiving or inspection at leisure, but - over 100 spam e-mail got through to my mailbox and filtered, getting through the top two layers; the scary thing is that out of 40 new e-mails, 32 were spam, and only a dozen or so were tagged by the local adaptive filter.

Those are bad odds, and unacceptable volume.

I'm seriously thinking I will have to switch to whitelist mail, as hard as that is when teaching and doing recruiting



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I haven't looked at the numbers in a while, and I just checked my stats on one of my addresses for Saturday through now, not quite a weekend's worth. 1141 mails received. Procmail scripts on my server stopped 867, leaving 274. POPFile in my client classified 252 as spam, leaving 22. All were stopped or classified correctly. (I usually don't bother checking the Procmail stuff, since that only kills the really egregious junk, but I do cast an eye over the POPFile queue every day.)

Apart from gloating about the efficiency of my filtering, the stats are a bit scary: 98% of the mail to this address is spam or virus, or, for every good mail I get, I get 50 spams.
