all ur sciantist r belong to us

NASAwatch reports more top level moves at NASA
time to start managing the crisis that keep popping up

Karl Rove staffer becomes NASA White House liasion
I wonder if she has strong opinions on the Big Bang vs Steady State "controversy"?

Came to White House from Arkansas RNC

UPDATE: she apparently graduated from Wake Forest in '04, which means she should be about 25 years old, three years out of college.
And she is the White House liasion for NASA at the Administrator level, with her work experience being that she spent a couple of years in Karl Rove's office working on the DoJ.
Associate Director of Political Affairs.
I hope she took a gap year before college, or something.
dailykos diarist did some research

"Alles klar, herr kommissar"

strangely, what with a top FEMA admin having moved over to NASA just a few months ago, you'd think the place would be sorted by now

enough to drive you to drink 'tis

PS: man, the WH liasion up in the Admin office is a GS-15 level position, young Jane just doubled her salary to $110k - $143k, plus any performance bonuses.
Nice work if you can get it.
Wonder if she gets to order Mather around? Tell Alan Stern what the Science priorities are?

NASA criteria for promotion to GS-15 rank as civil servant

The scientist path is you get there after having been a lead scientist of an explorer or discovery class mission.


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Not after the Sorting Hat was set afire, and all students assigned to Slytherin.

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