pirates, a-hoy!

A WaPo op-ed unveils a new skulk of the usual suspects.
On the starboard side, mateys.


"Dedicated to the revival of intellectual pluralism and the best traditions of liberal education at America's universities."

"best"? "liberal"? Really?
With a Horowitz article right on the frontpage...

Sponsored by The Manhattan Institute - http://www.manhattan-institute.org
and its "Center for the American University" - http://www.manhattan-institute.org/html/cau.htm

I never knew they cared.

Why .com, and not .org for the subsidiary?

On a completely unrelated issue UC Irvine hires, then fires law school dean.
Some wild-eyed radical from some obscure private school in North Carolina. Hrmph.

Time to fight...

h/t atrios


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What are these unacceptable political views of his? Does he still believe in civil liberties or something?

By Tegumai Bopsul… (not verified) on 12 Sep 2007 #permalink

I do not know the full spectrum of his legal opinions, but he is a strong advocate for separation of church and state. He also said some positive things about privacy rights.
Those academics...
Maybe Yoo is available for UCI dean, or Olson if they move quickly.

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