R U @WordCampRDU?

WordCampRDU is a community oriented one-day conference on all things related to the blogging and website platform WordPress. There are tracks for beginner and advanced WordPress users with presentations and useful information. WordCampRDU will be highlighted by a much anticipated keynote speech by WordPress Founder, Matt Mullenweg. http://wordcamprdu.com/2009/

This is my first "camp" conference after having gone exclusively to science-related blogger gatherings. I'm also very excited that this conference is being hosted at the School of Education at North Carolina Central University in Durham, NC, one of five historically-black colleges or universities (HBCUs) in the University of North Carolina system.

Although I started on Blogspot, many of my blogger buds here got started on WordPress and I write (infrequently) at Science-Based Medicine on a WordPress interface. So I'm currently sitting in a WordPress 101 for Beginners session with Phillip Barron. Phillip writes an aesthetically fabulous and content-rich cycling blog but I hadn't known until 10 min ago that he is a mega-media dude.

Trained in analytic philosophy, Phillip Barron is a scholar and award-winning digital media artist living in Durham, NC. His works have appeared in the Radical Philosophy Review among other progressive publications and concern issues of justice.

Barron works as a Digital Media Specialist at the National Humanities Center, where he is managing editor of the On the Human project. He is also the sole proprietor of the digital media design company, nicomedia, LLC.

From 2004 to 2008, his newspaper columns "The Outspokin' Cyclist" appeared monthly in The Herald Sun. A sample of his op-ed contributions to local newspapers can be found here. He has taught courses in philosophy at the Chapel Hill and Greensboro campuses of the University of North Carolina as well as Duke University.

Just as I love meeting new science colleagues at events like ScienceOnline'09, these more broad events get me jazzed by meeting a bunch of amazingly talented and creative people from all areas of communications technology.

I'm going to get back to it now but I wish you were here.


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Abel! Thanks for your kind words. It was great to meet you at WordCampRDU, and I hope to see you again at another local blogging/social media event.

Phil, it was a pleasure to attend your talk and I wish I could've stayed around to speak with you in more detail - look for an e-mail from me.

For readers, check out Phil's website/blog: http://nicomachus.net. Not only is he a terrific designer, he's a local cycling evangelist.