nine years of hurt...

Michigan has beaten PSU in football every year that I've been here

This is clearly just so hos can taunt me, again.

Normally I'd remind myself that "it's only a game", but a) I tried that on Mike McQuery two years ago, and he was so fucking not amused and b) there is nothing like a plaintive little voice saying "but, daddy, I wanted Penn State to win!"...
last year she so did not care.

'course the li'l munchkin stares intently at the screen and then, outraged, says "daddy, that boy just hit that other boy!".
It is very nice of the PSU team to be so good at
I mean, we do try to teach that if the other boy wants to play with the ball then we should try to take turns...

My only worry is that my dear neighbour, Joe, will realise this and figure it is a causal relationship... at that point, tenure or no, we'll find out if he really is as nice as he seems.


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You will just have to start rooting for the Buckeyes!

hey, i specifically have refrained from taunting you. if michigan lost nine straight to anyone -- and it feels like it's been that long since they beat OSU -- I would not react well to being taunted.

And so, I've studiously kept silent.

But seriously, Joe needs to ride off into the sunset.

I don't think JoePa intends to retire until he beats Michigan.

I really have no reason on the planet to support the Buckeyes.
Unless I just gratuitously want all my students, colleagues and neighbours to have a reason to irrationally dislike me.

Of course if OSU wants to make it worth my while...

I am required by my family tradition to state the following:

"Go Blue!"

By Brad Holden (not verified) on 24 Sep 2007 #permalink