Grand Slam

Congratulations to the IPCC and Al Gore for the Nobel Peace Prize

So, Attenborough Award, Oscar, Emmy and Nobel in one year.
Not bad for a Harvard grad.
Wonder what he will do next?

PS: hey I got one right...

I suppose there is no hope now of the US joining the rest of the world in making Nobel prize winnings exempt from income tax...?

ok, I think Scalia has taken the SCOTUS supermacy over international rulings thing too far
and they leaked the ruling to the White House - can't trust anyone


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This seems to confirm that the Norwegian Nobel Committee has something against the Decider. :D

Gore's actions as the vice president hardly make him a worthy winner(*) but his work against the climate change is certainly laudable. This should give him (and more importantly, the IPCC) a lot more credence.

(*)But on the other hand, he did speak against the Iraq war when the country was gripped with war hysteria. And he was a vice president in the age when "vice" before "president" still meant the prefix, not vice.

By Dunkleosteus (not verified) on 12 Oct 2007 #permalink