Harry Potter and the Redemption of Deconstructionism

The flap over Rowling's revelation about the Dumbledore backstory has really revitalised literary criticism

and, in particular, deconstruction.

I mean, after all, what does the author bring to the discussion?
It is not like Rowling has some special role of privileged position in our interpretation of the novel, her thoughts on the text are just one of the many equal analytic modes of interpretation, and we may reject that her view is dominant or privileged.

No! If white middle aged male,s uncomfortable with their sexuality or youthful indiscretions, want to interpret the text to emphasise its New Testament like emphasis on sacrifice, love for fellow man, and embrace of death - then that is their privilege, and their point of view is just as valid as any other, including the author's.

It is all relative, you see, and every right wing christian who ever thrilled at Draco Malfoy's ultimate salvation and rightful inheritance of status and wealth, is justly entitled to insist that the Dumbledore backstory is de constructable.


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