Make your own debate

ScienceDebate 2008 is a an idea whose time has come.
But, it may not happen.
So, maybe we can make our own debate.

via NASAwatch

There is a pair of primary debates coming up - Jan 30/31 for the republicans and democrats respectively.

It is sponsored by CNN, and the LA Times.
Politico is soliciting on-line for questions to the candidates.
Keith over at NASAwatch suggested his reader swamp it with NASA policy questions to try to get one into the actual debate. Scienceblog readers could do the samesomething similar - send in a lot of good, coherent, concise question on general or specific science policy and closely related issues. Lots of questions.

Just do it. Don't talk about it, don't dither.
Pick a question that you think is important and interesting, on science, for this debate, and send it in.
They can still ignore the science questions, but maybe someone will sit up and take notice, and maybe even ask a question or two.

Just do it.

PS: The "topic" list does not include science or technology in the options, of course.
Put the question under "education" or "energy" or "environment" or "health care" as appropriate.

PPS: they rather annoyingly require registration. On the other hand, this means the pool of questions suggested will be smaller than if it is open to anyone on the intertubes.

PPPS: registered people can also vote on questions. Not clear if they take any notice of the votes.
Chad concurs for a Google Bomb of the debates

FYI: here is my question:
The recently passed budget cut or kept flat, spending on science, despite the bipartisan support for the "America Competes" initiative and the increase in spending proposed in the budget drafts from both the White House and both Houses of Congress.
Will you support the promised expansion in research and education to make America Compete?


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FYI: here is my question:
The recently passed budget cut or kept flat, spending on science, despite the bipartisan support for the "America Competes" initiative and the increase in spending proposed in the budget drafts from both the White House and both Houses of Congress.
Will you support the promised expansion in research and education to make America Compete?

Good question! I hope to hear it on the air!
Dave Briggs :~)

Question for McCain: Do you think making an untrue statement, knowing the statement is untrue, about one of your opposition candidates to be aired by the media, then retract it with an apology makes you an honest man after the populace have believed the untrue statement?

Queation for Hillary Clinton: Do you think making an untrue statement, or by not rebuking an untrue statement made by Bill Clinton knowing the statement is untrue, about one of your opposition candidates to be aired by the media, then retract it, with an apology, or completely ignoring the untrue statement makes you an honest person after the populace have believed the untrue statement?

Roddy Martin, Virginia

By Roddy Martin (not verified) on 28 Jan 2008 #permalink