how to design a web site for growth

the folks on Calculated Risk pointed out an elegantly designed web site

as y'all know, IndyMac Bank in good old Pasadena failed the other day - third largest bank failure in the US.
Most individual depositors are of course uninsured, but there are always some careless with their balances, or unlucky in being caught with large funds in transit, so a lot of people want to know if they are actually covered or not

So, the good people at FDIC put up a web site to check the status of your account

it is nicely designed, fairly clean code, little java script, takes you on for the information you need, no M$ crap code slowing you down.

And, it is at - different server, not even same IP block - nicely spreading the load, in case it gets large.
IndyMac had tens of thousands of customers, hundreds of them might be looking up their accounts at the same time...

And, to get to you account, you go through a simple, easy to use, intuitive drop-down menu - which lists IndyMac Bank as its sole entry.
Nicely expandable code.

Web site designed for ease of update, ability to cope with large surge in load, and very easily and rapidly expandable in a backward compatible fashion.

Nicely done.


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Assuming it's real (websites asking for account numbers trip all sots of alarms ;) ) I think that might be unprecendented - I thought there was a Rule in the Big Book of Rules which specified that governments and major corporations aren't allowed to produce decent and useable websites!

Me no spell gud on monday :(

Well, it is linked to from the website, so if it is a hack, it is a very good hack.
Link is on their frontpage under "What's New" right now.

Google's website is rather elegant and clean. There are always exceptions.