Rocky Mountain High

What do you think of when I say:
"Hey, we just found a Super-Earth"!

We gotsta know.


I am back in Colorado, I am happy to say, at the "Super-Earth workshop", which is jolly good fun, but we did spend an inordinate amount of time at one point pondering whether "Super-Earth" is in fact a misnomer.
And, sadly, no beer was involved.

Revel in misnomers, I say.

So... some interesting stuff going on, most of which I am not at liberty to discuss.

However, rumours are firming up that CoRoT has something interesting, and I have now heard numbers, which lead me to agree it might be interesting.
They are, by all accounts, working very hard to confirm the observation, and there are hints that there are more interesting things in the pipeline.

Planets are like stars: we understand best those which we have least data on


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