Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark

Or so says Steen Landsy, director of the Kosmos Center.

You see, the Kosmos Center, which in the last 30 years has educated over 6,000 psychics is upset at the proliferation of "psychic educational institutions" in Denmark. There are now 25 such, up from just one a decade ago.

The problem, you see, is all these other so-called psychic educational institutions are just a bunch of hacks, and are not guaranteeing the quality of the education provided!
There are improperly certified psychics operating throughout Denmark, and the EU, one presumes, given the open borders.

What is needed, is government regulation setting some accrediation standards and minimum levels of education for psychic schools.
Especially those offering courses in Clairvoyance.

I mean, who could have foreseen this a decade ago.

I see a role here for Directorate X.

h/t mogginn


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