
I was forwarded some Obama policy documents on European relations and was also pointed to a key aspect of Obama's heritage I had overlooked, though I gather it was discussed some months ago

Obama and Biden: A Stronger Partnership With Europe for a Safer America

There it was, after "Effective Parntnership" and "Iran" and "Cyprus": "...Barack Obama, whose ancestors hail from Moneygall Co. Offaly, Ireland, is committed to lasting peace..."

Ah, he is Irish!

My first reaction was that this then means he must be about 1/4 Icelandic, going back a bit further, but Moneygall is kinda south-central, so maybe he is not.

Or not, family tree only tracked back to 1700 - need to keep better records dudes.

But, wait! The Kearnys are thought to have come up from Tipperary, and they were raided in 968... so you never know, lad could be part Icelandic after all!


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