"I call rule 34"

XKCD 505

This is both frighteningly funny, and shockingly profound.
The really worrying thing is how few people in the world will ever get it.

h/t Chad

ok, I will show mercy:


internet rule 34

wolfram's rule 34

Wolfram classified cellular automata rules - some of which are interesting and support universality.


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I suppose there isn't much intersection between those who are internet-savvy enough to have heard of Rule 34 and those who've read ANKS.

However. I imagine that of any webcomic to make this joke, XKCD will have the highest percentage of people who get it, if only for the fact it's mentioned the former rule 34 before (#305).

Duh, Tyler. Everyone knows the Japanese are all getting into vast-universe-time-space-dilations pornography. It's the new hotness.

By Rogue Epidemiologist (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

I've no idea about rule 34, but the little guy in the comic seems to be the starmaker.