looking under the hood at NASA

There is, apparently, some friction between the current NASA admin and the Obama transition team.
Could get interesting.

Interesting story at the Orlando Sentinel space blog

"NASA administrator Mike Griffin is not cooperating with President-elect Barack Obama's transition team, is obstructing its efforts to get information and has told its leader that she is "not qualified" to judge his rocket program, the Orlando Sentinel has learned."

Read all the way to the bottom, it is good stuff.

h/t NASAwatch - go read the comments, they are interesting

Looks like NASA policy will be highish, relatively speaking, on the agenda for Obama.
It will be very interesting to see who gets the nod for head admin, especially after Steve Chu got the nod for DoE (what, you read the comments here, right? then you'd have known hours before those other bloggers got the story out... ;-)

My sense, from very little hard data, is that the Obama team is serious about a science/research stimulus as a way to sustain long term economic growth; the big question is whether they mostly do it in a "targeted, applied" way, or going partly "blue sky" and see what grows.

Choice of Science Advisor, and whether they get a seat at the table will also matter.
I'm guessing Varmus or Holdren; maybe Varmus since there is now a real physicist at DoE and bio is also important.

No idea on who will get NASA. Looking forward to hearing about it though.

Interesting times.


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So he wants to speak with Obama directly? Well. maybe Obama will let him go in person, then.

I really hope they scrap Griffith and the premature "Man on Mars" program. They were both instituted not to examine Mars but to hamper examination of Earth.

I am not from the US but the "change" Obama needs to make is to expunge Bush's anti-science appointments. Put the Earth back into NASA's mission statement and an apolitical scientist/engineer at the helm.

True to form Bush has today also taken a last swing at the environment by taking the 35yo "independent scientific review" requirement out of the EPA. What next? - Fire a couple of nukes at Iran on the 19th of January?