Iceland to join EU by 2011?

Grauniad reports Iceland to be fast tracked for EU membership.
We'll see, public could swing either way on the issue in the interval.
Real problem is the fish. If the grounds are opened to EU vessels and Iceland loses control of the catch allotment, then the fish will all die.

Yup, this has hit the Icelandic papers also.
Current spin is how good it'd be for the EU - as good as finding a whale...

More like this Iceland that is. Got in at about 6 am, the weather was lovely, a mild frost, and not too windy, just brisk. so I took the bus to town and walked to where I'm crashing. Very refreshing, just the thing to wake you up after a long flight. A bite of skyr, and a walk down to the harbour, and…
I had a really nice roast leg of lamb for dinner tonight, Icelandic free range, grazed on mountain grasses. Roasted pink, with a bit of garlic and light brushing of home made marinade. Only $7.99 per pound at Whole Foods, picked it up on my last trip. We'll be eating lamb sandwiches all week.…
so what happened in Iceland, where are things headed, and is it a one-off microsystem gone off the rails, or a bellwether for the developed world Iceland was a dirt poor fish+agriculture economy, under external Danish rule until 1944 when it unilaterally declared independence, the Danes being…
helvítis fokking fokk! this is why you should never go with the 2.0 - always wait for 2.1 so, er, funny thing happened... the Icelandic President vetoed the law passed by Alþingi right at the end of 2009. The one that acceded to all UK and Dutch demands in the IceSave fiasco. This is a first. As…

As good as finding a whale?

Is this a common phrase I've missed out on? (Along with the rest of the internet.)