CRS reports dumped to wikileak

someone has dumped the entire collection of Congressional Research Service reports to wikileaks

this incidentally totally slashdotted their servers, but being good geeks they spawned copies to pirate bay and bittorrent

primary link is here

the congressional research service provides apolitical reports to congress at the request of representatives, the reports are public, in principle, but most are withheld at the request of congress - some because they contradict policy or politics, some because of some perceived inconvenience, principle or other issue

over 6,000 new reports were released here, on a wide range of topics

worth archiving, if only as a resource

h/t kos


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some because they contradict policy or politics, some because of some perceived inconvenience, principle or other issue

And the second category differs from the first exactly how?

By Eric Lund (not verified) on 09 Feb 2009 #permalink

Can't stop the signal, Mal...