from the mouth of babes

the Greater Munchkin asked me today why kids can't vote

I did my usual blather and then, thinking I was being clever asked her what she would do, if a politician said he'd give her as much free candy as she wanted

she thought for a minute and then said she would not vote for him, because he was a liar?

ok, said I, why do you say that?

because, she said patiently, as if talking to someone slightly retarded,
"there's not that much money in the world?


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You have a smart kid. Let's hope she uses her power for good and not for evil.

By Eric Lund (not verified) on 15 Mar 2009 #permalink

Dear Sir,

I am recruiting for an anticipated vacancy in a very senior executive position with a large financial services firm. Would your child be interested in applying?

Due to financial exigencies, she may have to be content with a desk nameplate that says "Pandit" until we can get some new ones made up.

Sincerely yours,

Timothy Geithner