KITP: more the merrier

lovely day, here at the beach
we have a busy week, the start of a busy month
we'll be doing multiple populations in depth, again,
and yet more on IMBH

this morning we contemplate, via Mario, whether globulars occupy a fundamental plane like galaxies, maybe even the same plane

log(Re) = 1.24 log(σ) + 0.33 SBe - 8.895 (for galaxies)

refs Djorgovski 1995 and Pasquato & Bertin 2008

1.24? 1.24!
Observers are soooooooo silly sometimes.
Clearly it must be 5/4 and 1/3
I mean 31/25 is just a silly number.

There is still a fundamental plane though P&B have somewhat different slope and a zero point offset

anyway, globs have:

log(Re) = 1.09 +/- log(σ) + 0.3 +/- 0.05 SBe + γ

(from P&B '08) where γ ~ -8.52 +/- 2

somewhat interestingly, the residuals for the FP correlate with the slope of the central surface brightness (cf Noyola and Gebhardt)

[man, those observers get very excitable about their correlations
that woke me up...]

can the dreaded "survival triangle" explain a plane?
Does the GC FP line up with the E FP, or do they bend?
Which one do the Ultra Compact Galaxies (tres trendy) fit on...?

for virial systems you expect log(Re) = 2 log(σ) + 0.4 SBe + γ

marginally consistent

but globulars are relaxed, [I suspect the problem is with the "e"...]

oh, dear, we really don't know the asymptotic surface density profile slope at large radii,
how embarrassing; too noisy and too much uncertainty in background subtraction
globulars are just too big on the sky...

more data is needed - need a homogenous multi-colour wide field CCD data set of all the globulars...
'course doing this with CCDs is a pain in ass - too much data

hm, a graduate student is needed.

may get done incidental to other sky survey projects, eventually, if anyone actually reduces the data when it gets there

we need a 10m wide field NIR/Optical space telescope.


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