linkedy links ii

'cause y'know linkin' is good

emptywheel at firedoglake wants to boycott JP Morgan/Chase/WaMu
- interesting story, JPM is allegedly blocking Chrysler being eaten by Fiat because if Chrysler goes bankrupt JPM both gets something back on their loans, and probably triggers CDS on Chrysler bonds, and so profits
JPM also has the contract for unemployment benefit debit cards in Michigan - win-win, eh?

Unqualified Offerings provides guidance and direction for sciblingers
- maybe Chad will give me some of his excess

New Scientist has blogs at Short, Sharp Science - snazzy

Which physicist are you asks the Quantum Pontiff (hey, I thought I already answered that...)

Chad and Ethan try to explain Dark Matter.
Hmm... "could do better"

Dood, I totally got to try this!

Tara achieves infamy

world economy, now and then

yes, yes, yes!


More like this

in which I ponder further a physicist's amateur perspective on the stupidities my ex-colleagues perpetrated I have ranted before on the current aspects of the fiscal crisis, including the credit default swaps (CDS) now, I don't pretent to be an expert, but I am somewhat numerate and the basic…
There's a lot money to be made providing aid to needy people. And where there's money to be madeextracted, there will be an investment bank, in this case JPMorgan: In these hard times, some 43 million American families rely on food stamps. To the surprise of many, JPMorgan Chase is the largest…
I'm kinda behind on this blogging thing, but here's some stuff other people have done to amuse y'all Abtruse Goose - like xkcd good Lord of the Finances - a First Draft - like this good More simplified finanical truths - it is ok, really, it is not like Goldman Sachs would destroy the US economy…
So... these credit default swap thingies, they pay out if some credit instrument goes bad, like a bond issue, and, famously, financial companies buy them as side bets hedges against financial "events", including betting against instruments they are promoting to clients, and deals they have no…