yet more flu
university politics
and whatever else I tripped over on the net
Revere beats a dead horse wot needs beatin'
Digital Biologist: what goes around comes around
very cool viral sequence alignments and family trees
Digital Biologist: this is how you do it
University As We Know It: End Thereof
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More like this
swine 'flu epidemic
passing ship
creation of oil
and other defining moments
all right, serious shit link edition:
Effect Measure is all over the swine 'flu outbreak in SoCal and Mexico
Revere is not prone to panic:
PPS: Saturday Night Weird Story Edition
- Read it and ponder.
yes, more swine flu link
save the frog day
and other random bits
Ok, first the Swine Flu (there's some actual astro and other stuff below):
Revere: Pandemics - seen one...
Revere Channels Jon for the best news summaries
Revere: CFR, virulence and all that
Revere: afternoon briefing
swine 'flu update
Iceland's elections and other randomness
Yeah, lots of swine flu links, and most of you by now know about Revere.
But, linking performs an intrinsic function in and of itself.
Wiki entry on H1N1 '09 'flu outbreak
Swine flu's ticket to ride
Swine flu: what you don't know may hurt…
Brandon Keim at WiredScience has a new article on swine flu genomics.
"This is what we call a reassortment between two currently circulating pig flu viruses," said Andrew Rambaut, a University of Edinburgh viral geneticist. "Why it's emerged in humans is anyone's guess. It hasn't been seen before…