
To President Barack Obama for winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

Honestly people, that is really all you have to say.
If you can't say anything nice then, as your mother should have told you, don't say anything.

The guy iust got the fucking Nobel Prize and half the country is having paroxysms and doing the "yeah, so what's he done then"?
Can we just agree that we do not want to have a paranoid President, again, and be nice?
Let the man enjoy it, and then worry what it was about.

For those who want to contemplate the historical analogies: consider President Mikhail Gorbachev, who got the Peace Prize in 1990, just over six months after becoming President of the Soviet Union.
Yes, he had been General Secretary of the Communist Party for 5 years, and instituted the reforms, including massive disarmament, but he got the prize as new head of state, after years of crisis and war, heading into a transition.
If you really want to worry, note that Gorbachev was no longer President a year later... but, the Soviet Union did transition without a major war.

"pour encourager les autres"

No pressure, Mr President


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And I suppose this not say anything if you have nothing nice to say was extended to Bush as well?

G, for starters, show me what Bush has done to even come close to earning a Nobel Peace Prize.

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