Pale Blue Dot

Sagan vs Sigur Rós


h/t Stjörnufræðivefurinn


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Thanks for posting this.

Wow. Two of my favorite things, together at last! Thanks for this!

Wow. I have always been a huge Sigur Ros and Sagan fan. Sigur Ros' music almost feels like that's the kind of sentiment they're trying to express.

Thanks for the post!


By Pat Durrell (not verified) on 10 Nov 2009 #permalink

"Pale-Blue-Dot" Astronomers:

Although Ptolemy thought the Sun revolved around the Earth, he also concluded the Earth should be treated as a mathematical point in the Universe. Now, since a mathematical point is infinitely smaller than a "pale blue dot," do we conclude that Ptolemy must be humbler and wiser than modern astronomers? Well, maybe I'm being nasty and objective, when I should be misty-eyed and subjective. I might be a candidate for sensitivity training.

Unlike "pale-blue-dot" astronomers, I don't try feel the pain of the robbed (nor do I try to feel the pleasure of the robbers). To pretend to know other peoples' pain is to belittle the pain of others. The parent's clear pain for a helpless child in pain can not be belittled; but if the parent and child had the same pain, they would both be helpless. Indeed, the parent would be useless.

From a comfortable armchair or a speaker's podium, all human trials (pains, pleasures, joys, loves, etc.) can only be reduced to a "pale blue dot" by pride. This is not insightful. This is the worst form of pride: taking pride from humility. Trying to synthesize people with their planet is called pantheism - not astronomy.

Reality demands a separation between people and their planets: people should be cherished and planets should be used. People that cherish planets tend to use people. Once a planet has served its function as a playpen or cradle for a developing people - it's dumped. Those individuals that have cherished the planet rather than the people will remain attached to the dumped planet.

The "pale-blue-dot" astronomers are wrong when they insist that there is "no hint" of help in the Universe. Some of them are now dead wrong.

Best Regards,

Frank Hatch

This is so powerful, but now it has been taken down. Any idea where it might still be hosted somewhere online?