Which astronomical object are you?

Apple offers a "login picture", and on many of my accounts I have a selection of astronomical pictures to choose from, rather than the default set.
Mostly HST images, natch.

So... one evening, sitting on the sofa cuddled up with the laptop, the Dynamic Wife leans over and says: "what's that then?".
"My login picture" says I.
"And what is it?" she asks rhetorically.
"er, a supernova..." says I.

She looks at me.
There is silence.

So, now my login picture is a globular cluster...
one of the nice old Messier ones.


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Hah, maybe you could be M87's X-ray halo.

oh, and, "the Dynamic Wife"? As opposed to "the Static Wife"?

so I have to wonder; is it M80, or M15? Nice well-behaved King-model (but still with lots of exciting activity), or the devilish core-collapsed type, with perhaps a dark hidden monster? Insights into your personality, perhaps.... ;-)

By Craig Heinke (not verified) on 13 Jan 2010 #permalink

what am i? i'm easily a nova of some sort. normally dormant, but every so often enough **** falls on my head that i erupt in a violent outburst, before settling down once again.

That's a pretty good, funny and short blog entry. Which globular are you? M5? M13?