What should I be reading?

Blogs, that is.

Sometime in the next 10 days I need to clean my blogroll and add new links.
I have a bunch in the pipeline, but suspect I must be missing many good new blogs.

Obviously any good astro/physics related stuff, but am also on lookout for quirky good stuff on other topics: stuff comparable to Calculated Risk, Iceland Weather Report or Yorkshire Ranter.

Not looking for any pure political stuff. Quite enough of those already, thanks.

Feel free to self-promote, but do not cross the line into spamming. Please.


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I have a blog named Left of Centre it covers a mix of Penn State, academic, local and national politics with a heavy emphasis on Penn State politics. ...take a look...perhaps you'd like it enough to add it to your blogroll.

I tried suggesting the Women in Astronomy Blog, but my comment didn't appear. What's wrong? Don't approve of women in astronomy? Or me personally?

Oops, overzealous ScienceBlogs master spam filter which singles out short comments with a URL in them as likely spam.
Thanks for prompting me to check.... should be there now.

Steinn, I first became aware of you from your posts on rec.arts.sf.written (as opposed to astronomy journals, etc). I get the same enjoyment I used to get from that newsgroup by reading James Nicoll's blog "More Words Deeper Hole" http://james-nicoll.livejournal.com/ and maybe you would too. The discussions in the comments section are often quite a bit of SF-oriented fun with a fair amount of astronomy, and politics. The often Canada-centric viewpoints can be refreshing for US-based readers as well.

By Eric Goldstein (not verified) on 27 Mar 2010 #permalink