what kind of person are you?

quick: how do you pronounce "unionized"?


is it: Uhn-Eye-On-EyeZed or You-Njuhn-Ized?

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It would depend on context. For example, if "unionized" appeared with with "ion," I would pick the first option. If "unionized" appeared with "knowledge workers," I would pick the second one, but I would be, sadly, wrong.

When, in church, I'm singing "You can't scare me, I'm sticking with the union", you may presume that I'm not sticking with the un-ion, because I wouldn't be attracted without the ionization.

Alistair: If it's the cable type then two. If the act of persuasion then one.


Isaac Asimov turned up a trio from chemistry:

1. Union-ized vs un-ionized

2. Periodic vs per-iodic

3. WC: water closet vs tungsten carbide

6EQUJ5: your #3 reminds me of how hard it is to take some acronyms seriously, like when the grad office sends around emails with "we still need a POS from many of you, please turn it in as soon as possible" (i.e., Plan of Study).